
Ahn, Dohyun (안도현)

Professor@Dept. of Journalism & PR, Jeju National University
Joint Appointment@Grad. Sch. of Data Science for Sustainable Growth
Email: |
Address: 2331-2 Social Science Bldg., 102 Jejudaehak-ro, Jeju-si, 63243, Republic of Korea
Phone: +82-64-754-2946 Fax: +82-64-702-4240

Education & Professional Experiences

  • Ph.D. , University of Alabama, Media Psychology
  • M.S., Colorado State University, Technical Communication & Mass Media
  • Reporter, Korea Economic Daily
  • B.A., Seoul National University, Eastern Asia History


  • Korean Journal of Journalism and Communication Studies(한국언론학보), Editor in Chief (2022.10 ~ 2025.9)
  • Journal of Communication Research(언론정보학보), Editorial Board Member (2021 ~ 2023)
  • KBS Broadcasting Culture Research(KBS방송문화연구), Editorial Board Member (2021 ~ 2023)
  • Journal of Public Relations(PR연구), Editorial Board Member (2021 ~ 2022)
  • Korea Health Promotion Institute(한국건강증진원), Evaluation Committee (Anti-smoking policy) (2020 ~ 2022)
  • Ministry of Health and Welfare(보건복지부), Evaluation Committee (Preventing excessive alcohol use) (2021 ~ 2023)
  • Ministry of Health and Welfare(보건복지부), Expert Panel (Preventing excessive alcohol use) (2021 ~ 2023)
  • Korea Health Communication Association, President (2021)



Understanding Communication
Text Mining
Artificial Intelligence and Communication
Data Analyses and Statistical Inference
Solution-Oriented Communication
Capstone Design


Media Psychology
Communication for Health, Risk, Environment, and Science
Media Quality Measurement
Social Science Programming
Text Mining


  • 2023 The Minister of Health and Welfare Commendation for outstanding contributions to health promotion through alcohol-related harm prevention. 2023-11-30 [보건복지부장관 표창. 음주폐해예방활동 통한 건강증진 유공]

  • 2022 Good Teaching Case Competition, Good Lecture Award selected by Students. 2022-12-22 [2022 좋은 수업 사례 공모전, 학생이 선정한 좋은 강의상]


  • Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. Building virtual training content for crisis response in the food and medicine sector [식품의약품안전처. 식·의약 분야 위기대응 가상훈련 콘텐츠 구축] 2019 PI
  • Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. Planning and design of a virtual training system for crisis response in the food and medicine sector [식품의약품안전처. 식의약 분야 위기대응 가상훈련시스템 기획 및 설계] 2018 PI
  • National Research Foundation of Korea. Influence of Social Cognitive Load of Story on Social Cognitive Ability [한국연구재단. 이야기의 사회인지부하가 사회인지 능력에 미치는 영향] 2017 PI
  • QuantLab Inc. Categorizing entity names of unstructured documents [주식회사 퀀트랩 비정형 문서의 개체명 분류] 2017 PI
  • National Research Foundation of Korea. How narrative media improve empathy? Focused-attention and training hypotheses. [한국연구재단. 이야기미디어는 어떻게 공감을 향상시키는가? 주의초점가설과 훈련가설] 2015 PI


Ahn, D. (in progress). Social Science Programming.
Ahn, D. (in progress). Textmining with R.
Ahn, D. (Ed.) (2021). Quality measurement for solution-oriented health report


이지화 안도현 (2023). 젠더의 정치화: 20대 대선 기간 젠더 보도는 정치권의 전략인가, 남녀별 연대의 결과인가(The Politicization of Gender: Is Gender Coverage During the 20th Presidential Election a Strategy of the Political Establishment or a Result of Gender Solidarity?). 미디어, 젠더 & 문화, 38(3), 121-156, KCI [Corresponding Author]

Bye, P. & Ahn, D. (2023). A Pathway of Mental Health Disparity: Examining the Mediating Role of Social Isolation in the Relationship between Social Class and Mental Health. Health Communication Research[헬스커뮤니케이션연구], 22(1), 1-42. KCI [Corresponding Author]

안도현 (2023) 이론기반 텍스트마이닝의 방법과 절차: 비지도 및 준지도 토픽모델링을 이용한 감염병보도에 대한 컴퓨터보조내용분석(Theory-driven Textmining Methodological Frameworks: Computer-assisted Content Analysis of Infectious Disease News Report Using Unsupervised and Semisupervised Topic Modeling). 조사연구, 24(1), 113-154. KCI

윤호영 안도현 (2023) 자연어 생성기반 뉴스 보도 패턴 일반화 및 뉴스 구성에 따른 분류 가능성 소규모 LSTM 생성 데이터를 통한 내용 및 표현 형식 기반 뉴스 유형화 원리 고찰 (A Study on the Discovery of General News Reporting Pattern A Small Sample LSTM Experiment with Natural Language Generation). 커뮤니케이션이론, 19(1), 84-123. [Corresponding Author] KCI

안도현 (2023) 전치인가 증강인가? 미디어이용과 안녕감 및 불안녕감 사이의 차별적 비선형 관계와 대면소통의 제한적 매개 (Displacement or Augmentation? Differential Non-linear Associations of Media Uses with Well-being and Ill-being, and Limited Mediation of Face-to-face Communication). 미디어 경제와 문화, 21(1), 49-94. KCI

안도현 (2021). 위험-기회 모형과 성공적인 방역소통의 조건(Risk-opportunity model and the condition for successful communication of preventing pandemics). 한국PR학회(편), 팬데믹시대 감염병대응을 위한 사회적소통과 공공PR (pp. 200-234), 지금.

Ahn, D. (2021). On the Heterogeneous Nature of Social and Physical Domains, Ignorance of Ignorance, and Rift Among Academic Community: A Commentary on Kim (2020). Asian Communication Research, 18(2), 110-117.

안도현 (2021). 유령위험과 무시된 위해: 위험의 개념화와 유형화(Phantom Risk and Ignored Hazard: Definition and Typology of Risk). 언론정보연구, 58(2), 5-65. 10.22174/jcr.2021.58.2.5

Song, H., Kim, T., Kim, J., Ahn, D., & Kang, Y. (2021). Effectiveness of VR crane training with head-mounted display: Double mediation of presence and perceived usefulness. Automation in Construction, 122, 103506.

안도현 (2020). 인공지능은 사회적 존재인가?(Is Artificial Intelligence Social Being?). 언론정보연구, 57(3), 155-195.

안도현 (2019). 이야기는 사회인지능력을 향상시키는가? 작업기억과 관점채택 능력과의 관계(Does Story Enhance Social Cognitive Ability? Associations between Working Memory and Perspective Taking Ability). 한국콘텐츠학회논문지, 19(9), 101-111.

김선경, & 안도현 (2019). 직무스트레스 및 직무만족과 소진 하위 유형의 분리적 관련성(Divergent Associations of the Job Stress, the Job Satisfaction, and Burnout Subtypes). 스트레스硏究, 27(1), 9-16. [Corresponding Author]

안도현 (2017). 이야기의 단기적 이용이 타인초점 주의 방향에 미치는 영향(Influence of Short-term Use of Story on Other-focused Attention). 한국콘텐츠학회논문지, 17(12), 169-179.

Ahn, D. (2017). Influence of Role-playing Games on the Perception of Self. Asian Communication Research, 14(2), 100-121.

김선경, & 안도현 (2017). 초등교사 소진 하위 요인의 분리적 관련성: 학생의 문제행동과 교장의 변혁적 리더십(Divergent Associations of Students Problematic Behaviors and Headmasters Transformational Leadership with Burnout Subtypes among Korean Elementary School Teachers). 아시아교육연구 , 18. [Corresponding Author]

조이영, & 안도현 (2016). 국내 뉴스 보도 연구 동향에 관한 주제어 연결망 분석(Examining News Report Research Trends Using Keyword Network Analyses). 한국콘텐츠학회논문지, 16(8), 278-291. [Corresponding Author]

Ahn, D., & Shin, D. H. (2016). Observers versus agents: Divergent associations of video versus game use with empathy and social connectedness. Information Technology & People, 29(3), 474-495.

Ahn, D., & Shin, D. H. (2015). Differential effect of excitement versus contentment, and excitement versus relaxation: Examining the influence of positive affects on adoption of new technology with a Korean sample. Computers in Human Behavior, 50, 283-290.

Rempala, D. M., Tolman, R. T., Okdie, B. M., & Ahn, D. (2014). Gender‐role egalitarianism predicts desirable traits of potential marriage partners: A cross‐cultural comparison. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 17(4), 325-330.

Ahn, D., & Shin, D. H. (2013). Is the social use of media for seeking connectedness or for avoiding social isolation? Mechanisms underlying media use and subjective well-being. Computers in Human Behavior, 29(6), 2453-2462.

Shin, D. H., & Ahn, D. (2013). Associations between game use and cognitive empathy: A cross-generational study. Cyberpsychology, behavior, and social networking, 16(8), 599-603. [Corresponding Author]

Ahn, D., Cheong, Y., & Kim, K. (2013). Exploring the influence of television sport on consumers’ attitudes towards program-embedded advertising using motivational responses generated by the game. International Journal of Sports Marketing and sponsorship, 14(4), 67-83.

Ahn, D., Jin, S. A. A., & Ritterfeld, U. (2012). “Sad movies don’t always make me cry”: The cognitive and affective processes underpinning enjoyment of tragedy. Journal of Media Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Applications, 24(1), 9.

Ahn, D. (2011). Toward resolving the paradoxical enjoyment of tragic drama. 미디어 경제와 문화, 9(4), 182-223.

김태용, & 안도현 (2011). 한국어 감정표현 어휘들의 극성-각성 좌표화를 통한 해독격차 분석 및 수렴화 프로세스 제안(Construction of an Affective Map of Korean Vocabulary and Analysis of Individual Deviations for Proposing a Process of Interpretative Convergence). 한국언론학보, 55(6), 436-465.